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Merely (adv.) only as specified and nothing more; simply

Practitioner (n) a qualified or skilled person who works in the medical profession

Unsung (adj.) not given attention and praise that is deserved for doing good things; unappreciated

Establishing (v) to begin or create something that is meant to last for a long time.

Founder (n) one that founds, starts or establishes a company.

Profession (n) a type of job that requires special education, traing or skill

Considered (v) resulting from careful thought; believed

Impact (n) to have a strong and often bad effect on something or someone

Anniversary (n) a date that is remembered or celebrated because a special or notable event occurred on that date in a previous year

Proclaim (v) to say or state (something) in a public, official, or definite way; announce

Council (n) a group of people who advise or govern

Awareness (n) knowing that something (such as a situation, condition, or problem) exists

Health (n) the general condition of the mind or body.

by (prep.) proximity in space or time

to (prep.) used to indicate the place, person, or thing that someone or something moves toward

they (pronoun) those ones —used as third person pronoun serving as the plural of he, she, or it or referring to a group of two or more individuals not all of the same sex <they dance well>

the (art.) definite article used to indicate a person or thing that has already been mentioned or seen or is clearly understood from the situation

an (art.) indefinite article before words beginning with a vowel sound

in (prep.) used to indicate location or position within something

and (conj.) used to join words or groups of words


Less (adj.) not so much; smaller in amount or number. Ant. more

Acute (adj.) referring to a disease or condition which develops rapidly and can be dangerous. Ant. dull

Attractive (adj.) having a feature or quality that people like. Ant. unattractive

Central (adj.) main or most important. Ant. unimportant

Chronic (adj.) referring to a disease or condition which lasts for a long time. Ant. acute

Common (adj.) done by many people. Ant. individual

Comprehensive (adj.) including many, most, or all things. Ant. noncomprehensive

Expensive (adj.) costing a lot of money. Ant. cheap

Fewer (adj.) a smaller number of persons or things. Ant. more

Healthy (adj.) in good physical condition. Ant. unhealthy

High (adj.) extending or reaching upward more than other things of the same kind. Ant. low

Most (adj.) greatest in amount or degree. Ant. least

Own (adj.) belonging to oneself or itself —usually used following a possessive case or possessive adjective <cooked my own dinner>. Ant. impersonal

Premature (adj.) before the expected or desirable time. Ant. late

Preventive (adj.) referring to an action taken to stop something happening, especially to stop a disease or infection from spreading. Ant. unhealthful

Primary (adj.) happening first, and leading to something else. Ant. secondary

Registered (adj.) having your name entered in an official list or register. Ant. unregistered

Active (adj.) doing things that require physical movement and energy. Ant. inactive

Clinical (adj.) referring to the physical assessment and treatment of patients by doctors, as opposed to a surgical operation, a laboratory test or experiment. Ant. subjective


War (n) a state or period of fighting between countries or groups. syn. conflict

Occupation (n) the work that a person does. syn. profession

Craft (n) an activity that involves making something in a skillful way by using your hands. syn.  art

Slave (n) someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for that person without pay. syn. captive

Health (n) the general condition of the mind or body. syn. wellness

Midwife (n) a person (usually a woman) who helps a woman when she is giving birth to a child. Syn. Obstetrician

Care (n) effort made to do something correctly, safely, or without causing damage. Syn. meticulosity

Hospital (n) a place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment and where children are often born. Syn. health care

Procedure (n) a medical treatment or operation. Syn. method

Treatment (n) actions taken to look after sick or injured people or to cure disease. Syn. therapy

Medication (n) a drug used to treat a particular illness. Syn. drug

Nursing (n) the work or profession of being a nurse. Syn. infirmary

Nurse (n) a person who looks after sick people in a hospital or helps a doctor in a local surgery. syn. caretaker

Ward (n) a room or set of rooms in a hospital with beds for the patients. Syn. division

Staff (n) a group of people who work for an organization or business. Syn. personnel

Marriage (n) the relationship that exists between a husband and a wife. Syn. matrimony

Nun (n) a woman belonging to a religious order; especially :  one under solemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Sysn. sister

Benefit (n) a good or helpful result or effect. Syn. advantage

Quota (n) a specific amount or number that is expected to be achieved. Syn. part

Mission (n) a task or job that someone is given to do. Syn. purpose

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