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One-to-One Test Preparation Programs

Test Prep

Mid-Term and Final-term Test
Preparation Program

You can contact the professor for training in tests two weeks before them.

Listening Skill- 1 hour

In this section, learners will overhear medical dialogues between nurse and doctor or patient according to the topic studied in the classroom where they will do activities such as completion of tables, answering questions and so on. 

Speaking Skill- 1 hour
In this section,  learners will practice the pronunciation and interaction with another partner where they will do activities such as answering critical questions of daily life, description of pictures or graphic organizers.

Reading Skill and Use of English- 2 hours

In this section, learners will practice reading, grammar and vocabulary in an integrated way.

Writing Skill -1 hour

In this section, learners will practice how to write essays, articles, reviews using appropriate idiomatic expressions for each.


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