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1.    What does Nursing mean? Answer, Record and send.
2. According to the passage, answer the following questions.
a) What is the topic about?
b) What is the main idea of the text?
c) Which sentences are the most significant?
d) Did you know this story?  Why? Why not?
e) Whom is the text focused on?
f) What di you learn from the text?
4. Now, listen and Practice the pronunciation. Then record your voice.
Phrases or words for writing styles
They are useful to write essays, articles, review, etc., because they help writers or amateurs give common sense to their writings. Some of them are:
In spite of...,
For instance,
More than … later,
In honor of...,
As well as
But also...
In doing so,
Not only...,
5. Write a text of about 50 words of the most important in the nursing career. Use the phrases above and the button below.

Merely (adv.) only as specified and nothing more; simply

Practitioner (n) a qualified or skilled person who works in the medical profession

Unsung (adj.) not given attention and praise that is deserved for doing good things; unappreciated

Establishing (v) to begin or create something that is meant to last for a long time.

Founder (n) one that founds, starts or establishes a company.

Profession (n) a type of job that requires special education, traing or skill

Considered (v) resulting from careful thought; believed

Impact (n) to have a strong and often bad effect on something or someone

Anniversary (n) a date that is remembered or celebrated because a special or notable event occurred on that date in a previous year

Proclaim (v) to say or state (something) in a public, official, or definite way; announce

Council (n) a group of people who advise or govern

Awareness (n) knowing that something (such as a situation, condition, or problem) exists

Health (n) the general condition of the mind or body.

by (prep.) proximity in space or time

to (prep.) used to indicate the place, person, or thing that someone or something moves toward

they (pronoun) those ones —used as third person pronoun serving as the plural of he, she, or it or referring to a group of two or more individuals not all of the same sex <they dance well>

the (art.) definte article used to indicate a person or thing that has already been mentioned or seen or is clearly understood from the situation

an (art.) indefinite article before words beginning with a vowel sound

in (prep.) used to indicate location or position within something

and (conj.) used to join words or groups of words

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Upload and send your answer of each section here.

a) What did you learn?

b) Which section or activity did you like the most?

d) According to the topics found in this unit, what would you like to practice more in the future?

6. Write your answers using this button.
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